Structure your Presentation

The Story

When crafting a story, cover your topic in a logical order, moving your audience through a series of logical steps. Jim Endicott presented the following structure, which I have used and adapted over time:

The story.

The story.

A good, logical structure is:

  1. Identify the “pain”. What is the pain point of the audience, or the problem? Why is this issue a problem for the audience”? Make sure it is not just your problem!

  2. Quantify the impact. How big a problem is it and what does it cost your audience, either in pain or in dollars?

  3. Specify the need. Now is the time to hone in on possible solutions. What is needed to ease or fix the problem? This step will lead your audience to your next point.

  4. Propose the solution. Suggest what is needed and why. This is where you introduce your solution, and yourself.

  5. Quantify the value. Demonstrate the value of your solution for your audience. This is where you demonstrate the merit of the solution.

  6. Sell your advantage. Why are you the person to deliver this solution to your audience?

  7. Substantiate your claim. Don’t just tell your audience you can provide the solution… prove it.